Peopling of the World: Europe

Celts in the British Isles

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Celts in the British Isles
European Language Development

An archaeological view of Celtic occupation in the British Isles

Celtic Cross on the Island of Iona in Scotland

The Celts have widely been known for their art, their fighting habits, and their unique adaptation into Christianity. Over the centuries, not much has been known about these ancient peoles since they had no written language. All of what we know today come from the archaeological record and what was written about them in Classical literature, as well as by their christian descendents.

A copy of a Classical sculpture called "The Dying Gaul"

The Celts were known for their unique fighting styles. For example, they would often times run into battle, stark naked, with a look of madness in their eyes. Although this was intimidating enough, often times some warriors would 'change appearance.' This transformation was called the warp-spasm.

The Book of Kells

When St. Patrick converted the majority of Celts to Christianity, the seperation from the main Christian population allowed them to evolve independently in their relgious beliefs and practices. For example, their priests would often times marry, were more tolerant of non-believers, and allowed woman to have more influence on everyday life. Monks from Celtic descent also introduced the art of 'Illumination,' or adding color and pictures to the writing, like in The Book of Kells.


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