
Europe is a very unique and diverse continent, where many questions on the origins of language and art can be answered.
The members of this group took on such topics as the origins of art and architecture in the Mediterranean region of Europe,
the architecture and language of the Celtics, and the art and language of Neandertals.

Neanderthal family |
The social interaction between Homo neanderthalensis is not very well known. The section on Neanderthal speech will attempt
to help us understand who the Neanderthals were and how they lived.

The Muslim expansion into Spain was the beginning of a conflict between the East and West that has echoed on until today.
Using genetic and Linguistic evidence it can been seen that the people of spain still show influences from this period of
foreign rule by Muslim leaders.

Decorated rock at entrance to Newgrange |
The Celts are a people shrouded with mystery that continue to fascinate archaeologists today, in part due to the lack of first
hand information (the Celts had no writing), as well as the beauty of their art, and the impact on todays European population.

Were Neanderthals symbolic creatures? Could they enjoy the
aesthetic value of carvings and jewelry enjoyed by modern humans? Several sites in France offer evidence to the affirmative,
which will be explored in depth to determine whether or not these artifacts were intentionally altered.

Ever since its first discovery years ago, cave art has been analyzed, both scientifically and socially. Cave art tends
to provide its researchers an abundant amount of information regarding our most ancient ancestors. The notion of pre-historic
cave art might also suggest our relatedness to the primitive Neanderthal. Studies by Arizona State University's own Paul Robert
Fish (1979) suggest that, "The principle source for inference and hypothesis about human behavior for much of the span of
prehistory lies in stone tools and related debitage." Certainly these stone tools were the very ones used to carve and
mark the elaborate as well as the simple, unelaborate drawings on cave walls by these ancient peoples.

The Indo-European language family is comprised of the various languages spoken throughout Eurasia and descends from the very
controversial Proto-Indo-European language family.